What's wrong?
Who are you?
You're not yourself anymore!
You've changed!
Do you even realize what you've become?

What you don't realize is that you did not leave me any other option.


  1. Shafi said...
    haaaai !...

    Thats a lot of question here !.
    Okay... but who is the subject of matter ????!!!!
    Americanising Desi said...
    i ve become a monster!
    i ve become a sick monster of no love and all indifference!
    Americanising Desi said...
    and that last line, just sums up everything!
    Ubaid said...
    why do people keep on changing ?
    CrazyLady said...
    Dayum girl.

    You on fi-yah.
    Roshni said...
    Alas =/
    Anushay. said...
    Shafi, I think we all are questioned like this at one point or other

    Ubaid, your question is silly! It's like you're asking why we're 20 and not act like a 10 year old.
    Shafi said...
    I would LOVE TO answers those questions ... Such a way that, on who asked it, wont ask it again. Hi hi *wicked*
    Ubaid said...
    Anushay that isn't a silly question, chalo people change i understand but why do they keep on changing for others... coz there isn't any use of it... others would just constantly expect more changes in you!! so why change ?

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